From our Friend, JayCanada, (J. Young) A sneak preview of the Heisenberg Hideout Running on Carina 2.7
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Edited: Mar 24, 2022
Coming Soon - Heisenberg's Hideout
Coming Soon - Heisenberg's Hideout
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@Jason Young It does not appear to have fixed the issue. I edited a previous post of mine and it locked up as you can see. Unless your fix only applies to new messages now. Hmmm... I'll try posting a new message and see if the bug occurs again.
@Jason Young I have observed some strange behavior with message editor commands on your BBS. At first, I thought it was just tied to the /l message editor command, but I also see it happens with the /e. The issue is that the BBS freezes up for me in certain cases when I use editor commands. So far, I have seen it happen with /l and /e. What's odd is that it only happens with certain messages. If I type a bunch of random characters in, it doesn't not always happen. But if I type a message like the one in the image below, the behavior occurs. I reproduced this with two different versions of Syncterm. I have not tried this with a native A8 term program yet. It's possible this is just some weird Syncterm bug. If it is a Syncterm bug, it would be great to figure out how to consistently reproduce it so we can file a bug report with the Syncterm developers. Anyway, attached is a screen shot of the latest occurrence of this issue (which shows that it also happens with the /e command). I wonder if anyone else has seen this behavior. I was unable to reproduce this behavior on TVAG. But maybe it's because this issue still appears to be a little unpredictable.
I found a temporary solution to the issue where when you run the Macro $ command to Read All New and Browse All New messages and files, it skips the message base that you're currently in, so you miss out on seeing any new messages in that particular base.
In Carina, if you go to (S)ettings from the Main Menu, edit the Macro $ command and simply type, "go email, read all new" and hit Enter. Press "Y" to make it a Hot Key when asked. This basically makes you jump to the email section first, before scanning all other bases for new messages, so you don't miss any. Please note that you'll need to log off and on again before the new Macro takes effect.
I'm still fighting through the code to make switching to e-mail the default for everyone when running the Read All New command, but until then, hopefully this will help with the issue.
Yeah.. Carina has a lot of little quirks that I hope to address someday.
I'll be sure to give it a call tomorrow. I'll also get it on the BBS list. I just got BBCS up and running finally and accepting calls and hanging up. Same address as SFHQ or TVAG, just port 6502
But I'm pretty beat and have to work tomorrow (in the office), so I'll be on it tomorrow after work.
There you go.
Now coming from the FoReM and bbs express world, maybe default it to email and skip over that ”choose sig” routine?
Even when carina came out I always found this portion of logon a little odd. But that is just because I was so conditioned to the forems and expresses of the world.
looks really great!
I saw some people mentioned if you read all new it will usually skip the message base you are in.
well a few months ago I was on one of the other carina boards and not thinking when the list of sigs popped up I simply hit enter.
it seemed to put me in the email sig. When I did this and read all new it did in fact scan every message base.
I don’t know if this works 100% of the time but it has worked every time I do it.
just thought I would mention it. I forgot to post a message yesterday when I was on the bbs.
I was able to connect via Fujinet this morning...internet dropped during my call (I have subcontractors around today).
I've tried calling in all day. Nothing. I hope he isn't Russ'ing us 😂
Wow. Great work! Adding to the community.
Thanks for posting the preview, Amis. And it looks good JayCanada! This has a nice Breaking Bad theme! :) How's the ASCII version look? I only ask because I think this BBS will attract some non-Atari users who like Breaking Bad! -JP
I want to call but am a little uncertain about it... :)