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How To Connect to The Atari BBS's

Connecting has become really simple regardless of platform. If your using Windows, MacOS, Linux, or vintage hardware, you can Telnet instead of dialing into 100's of hosted BBS sites.


Click here to connect now 


Native Hardware Altirra Emulator, or Atari800MacX, using a terminal program such as BobTerm or using #FujiNet or even from your iPhone Using MuffinTerm: Use the following dial command in the terminal program: adtd At Menu Menu Select Atascii Translation and 4800 Baud rate. Download the #FujiNet tested versions of BobTerm Here and visit Here for the full Atari BBS List


IceyTerm has also added Atascii Emulation: IcyTerm


Using BobTerm or Amodem or Other with Emulator or FujiNet


FujiNet: Download the BobTerm ATR file here. Add to your SD Card, mount to drive D1: 

Select Read (R) or Write (W) and hit the Option Button


Altirra Emulator: Video Set up Here

*Note: Emulators use ATDI as the dial command


Once BobTerm loads, change your baud rate 2400,4800 will work well for most BBS's. Some

users have experienced character loss at 9600 baud. 


Hit enter on BobTerm and enter the terminal screen. Here you simply use the standard Hayes commands



(The most active and Atari/Atascii Graphic Retro BBS) 




ATDT AMIS86.DDNS.NET:9000                  

(AMIS86 is Ascii and Atascii you can Click here to Log On)




ATDT NITELITE.DDNS.NET:9000                  

(Atascii/Atari Only)


Once Connected, press enter, confirm your in ATARI or Atascii translation and your back to the 80's





















Using SyncTerm from PC, Mac or Other:


Step 1: Download SyncTerm, This is a small program which acts like a directory for bbs sites. Runs on all platforms and is basically the standard for hundreds of thousands of bbs users.


Download SyncTerm Here:


Step 2: Set up your directory. This is the same as entering a telephone number but instead its a website address, IP address and Port. Check out this video for more:


Step 3: Over 800 Active BBS's are listed at 


Here is a sample setting for accessing Southern Amis BBS with SyncTerm:


Screen Mode Needs to be Set to Atari for Atascii Translation. Also Suggest using RAW for the connection Type over Telnet as RAW is near actual to a modem connection.





BBS Terminal Program
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