So fishin' season has started. My Dad has a small 14 ft aluminum fishing boat and we headed out to Jenny Wiley lake yesterday. Dad's 79 now and I really like spending time with him when I can. It was a good day. We were fishing for catfish and for 4 hours effort, it was a fair haul (for us).
Interesting thing...I caught 5 of the 7 total and I had caught all 5 from my end of the boat. We were tied off against a bank, anchor on the aft end and roped to an overhanging branch on the bow. After I pulled my fifth one in (Dad hadn't caught any so far), the anchor suffered a "malfunction" and let the boat swing around until it was facing a different direction and putting Dad where I had been fishing.
Keep in mind, the anchor was at Dad's end...
After that, I didn't catch any more and he caught the next 2... I pointed out how strange it was for an anchor to "malfunction" and he commented that there are a lot of unsolved mysteries in the universe.
Right.... :)

PS My Dad's name is "Ron" as well. So...him and Mom call me "Ronnie". It's not my name, it's officially (on the birth certificate) "Ronald J. Hall". But to keep both of us from answering they use "Ron" for Dad and "Ronnie" for me.
PSS So now let's see how much "fun" JP has with this... :)
Channel Cat Story...
My cousin used to date a girl (named Sue) that lived in the country. She had a pond in her parent's back yard and it was stocked with channel catfish.
One day, my cousin and I went fishing in that pond a caught a couple of nice ones... perfect eating size. He cleaned them and we fried them up in her kitchen and ate them for lunch... YUM!
I noticed that Sue was acting a bit weird during the whole process of catching, cleaning and eating the fish but my cousin said she was fine. She was always a little weird anyway. In all the years that I knew her, I don't think she ever said more than 5 words to me.
At any rate, I later found out that she was furious with my cousin for bringing me there and catching her fish. She used to feed them every night and considered them her pets.
True Story...
I like catfishing too.
This one is a 45 pounder I caught in the Chickahominy Lake. When Peggy took the picture she had to cut my head out of the pic... She always does that I guess to prevent damage to her camera.
I could barely hold it up.
Here's some aerial (drone) footage of Jenny Wiley Lake. This time of the year, with the leaves changing colors, it's a very beautiful place... :)