I don't know how many of you own an Atari Lynx, but if you don't, why not? :)
They are great little portables, lots of fun to fool around with. There's some
really cool upgrades for it and I've been (slowly) working on mine.
First, I got Retro HQ's cool SD card. It basically allows you to load the ROMs
from nearly every single Lynx game out there onto the SD card and run them
from a menu - no more switching carts!
Second, I installed the USB power mod. Basically, you remove one of the 2 clips
on the back of the Lynx (which I've never seen anything use) and mount a small
micro-USB port header there. No more batteries! (unless you want to). It does
bypass the regular Lynx on/off buttons though so I added a cable that has a
switch on it.
Last, I installed the BennVenn LCD replacement mod. It replaces that old fuzzy
Lynx screen with a gorgeous new screen. I'm telling you, my Lynx games have
never looked so good!
Here are a few screenshots of what I did today:
Work site - danger, construction ahead! :)

Inside the Lynx - view of the USB power mod header:

Backside of the Lynx - original clip on the left, the USB header on the right. You can clearly see the Allen head bolt where I
drilled it to mount the header:

Another view:

Here you can see the USB cable with an on/off switch, attached to the Lynx:

Here's the old LCD:

And here's the BennVenn replacement, already in place:

Gates of Zendocon, before the screen replacement:

And after the screen replacement (and the screenshot still doesn't do it justice):

Oh, here's a shot of the Retro HQ SD cart, stuffed full of juicy games (sorry for the picture quality):

So overall I'm really pleased with these upgrades. They've greatly transformed the Lynx and the way I use it.
I did notice a possible problem with my directional key (Right, Left, Up and Down). The Down key seems to be acting up (not responding), so I might have to take it apart and see what's going on there.
That's a job for another day though - onward "Eye Of The Beholder"! 😀
Oh, and I got the directional keypad fixed as well, so she's 100% to go! 😀
Now that I've got an actual "smart" phone with a much better camera, I took some better shots:
I use to be brave enough to take small things apart - things I imagine have very tight clearance tolerances. Now I'm leary. I fear I could never get it back together correctly. Kudos on the work, and the screen looks a ton better.
I miss my Lynx 2.
Why would I have a Lynx? I'm not a gamer.
Your desk looks like mine except you are missing the large hammer! And my flashlight is rubber-banded to my head for hands-free operation.
That screen is a nice improvement.