Hey all I have the ForeSight BBS up and running
Give it a try - if you can - in different translations.. see how things work.
I do not think it supports AtascII - but color ASCI and VT52 and I can do RIP and UB something.
This is just getting the Software up and running.. I really have done little of any customizing yet.
James, whatever happened to your Foresight BBS? I've become interested in Foresight myself recently while beginning to investigate an IGS/RIP-like graphics language called UBT that Foresight apparently supported.
Thanks for comments guys.. it has been up running all this time, no issues. I have not had time to tackle the source I have. Want to first make sure that the source will compile and run.. after that.. then try and tweek it.
@James Schofield This is the only screen that doesn't look right for me. Other than that, looking good!
Logged on and tried it out. I also think it looks pretty good. The screens are quite well laid out and attractive.
I don't particularly care for the new user registration process. I filled mine out then it complained that it "got lost"? and wanted me to do it all over again. I ended the call at that point.
Also, there is 1 small graphical glitch in one of the registration screens - no big deal.
Overall, it looks like it has a lot of potential to me, especially if you can customize it.
I logged into this BBS. It looks pretty cool. I think the back to back calls restriction seems a little archaic in today's BBS world... but who am I to say. Well done.