Posting this info here in case anyone else finds it useful, or I need to reference it again in the future since it would be easier than trying to find my own notes on it.
HHBBS is currently running Carina 2.7 in Altirra, using WINE on Linux Mint. Here's a brief summary of what was involved in setting this up:
Install Linux Mint (I'm running 21.2 at the time) Follow the instructions on this link to install Wine (the version of Wine in the repositories is old and won't work properly with the BBS, so make sure you use WINE version 8.0) Assuming you're using NO-IP for your hostname, download the Linux version from this link and follow the instructions for installing it. You will need to use the sudo command each time you run it.
Grab the latest version of busyBBS and place it somewhere in your Linux directories.
Assuming your BBS runs under Altirra, copy everything over to your Linux machine and place it somewhere in your Linux directories.
To boot up the BBS:
Open a Terminal window and run the NO-IP program from the command line
Then run the busyBBS program from the command line
Open a second Terminal window and run the WINE program that launches Altirra; boot up your BBS
I cannot get WINE to work on the internet via ethernet cable; it only works on WIFI
Turn off the Firewall in Linux Mint, or it may not allow incoming connections
I think that's it, but feel free to ask questions if you're interested in knowing more.