I wasn't able to get to the Basement yesterday. Today I got in, then when I went Goodbye, I got the disconnect message, but it didn't disconnect. Hopefully it didn't get hung. In case JP wants to trouble shoot, here is screenshot where it spit out a modem code:
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The Basement, Part-Time, and Alcatraz will sometimes not disconnect. It's a known issue due to the way we do the message base networking and there isn't a solution unless we discontinue message base networking. I created a module that works around a limitation of the networking that prevents Pro! BBSs on emulators from networking message bases. But once in awhile things get a little out of sync and the emulated modem is not reset correctly (the DTR pin stays hot). Whenever this happens, just disconnect on your end and the emulated modem will get reset correctly so the next caller does not have the same issue. As for the Basement not answering recently...not sure what the problem was. But I now am running a script that will email me when the Basement or Part-Time are not responding (the script runs as a Windows event and checks the BBS' status once per hour).