So back in the day, there used to be these "Linux Lunacy" tours involving notables from the Linux world. Cruises would be organized, quest speakers invited etc, all to the backdrop of some exotic
shipboard cruises.
As it just so happens, my wife and I took our honeymoon in 2001 on the Maasdam cruise ship, which, as it turns out, was doing one of the Linux Lunacy tours at the time (what a cosmic coincidence!). :)
Anyway, here's a handful of pictures I have from the Linux part of the trip. See if you can figure out
which one I am! (and who some of the Linux celebrities are!) :D

You were close. I tried to borrow all of that stuff from his wife but she refused for some odd reason. I think she was afraid that I might look better in them than her. :)
BTW, blow the pictures up and it's a lot easier to pick me out. :)
Seriously, couldn't get any of them? Hehehehe....okay, here we go:
1st picture - back row, far left.
2nd picture - I'm actually not in this one - I took it. We were at the (now sadly non-functional) Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. Awesome time there. So many
cool "techie" things. Even one of the James Bond movies was filmed here, using
the dish. That's Richard Stallman himself, slightly right of center with the wild beard. :)
3rd picture - 2nd row from the back, 4th person from the left. White shirt. My wife
is the 3rd person next to me, also wearing a white shirt. I've got my arm raised,
clenched first. We were shouting Linux slogans. Photographer was standing up on the 2nd floor balcony looking down at us and yelled, "You know what I see?". I yelled back, "I'm not sure but I bet it looks like a penguin!". :) Everyone laughed but he said he was looking at a bunch of "free thinkers". Loved that too.
4th picture - I figured everyone would get this one. I'm dead center, front row. Yeah, before Tillek brings it up, I'm the one in shorts 'n sandals, rocking the mullet.
I'm wearing a shirt that says, "Welcome to the GNU age!". Richard Stallman, wearing that huge disk made into a hat, is just to my right. John "maddog" Williams is standing in the back row, 3 in from the right.
I give up.. Where are you in these photos?