I just bought an internal Ultrasatan model from Lotharek and there's been some changes
made. A couple of years ago I bought an internal model for my Mega STe. I printed out a
3D replacement hard drive bay cover for it and it's worked great.
However, the new model I just got has had the mounting holes location changed and
the SD-Card bays are a few millimeters closer together.
Point being, none of the 3D replacement covers or faceplates I have (or have seen on
Thingiverse) will match up correctly now.
I don't remember seeing anyone mention this anywhere so just a heads-up...
(Guess Lotharek has done it again, just like with the 8bit stuff)

Seems to be Lotharek's new business model... you know, I've bought quite a bit of stuff from him (years ago) and never had issues but from what I have seen lately.... hmmmm.