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Dec 20, 2024
In General Discussions
I apologize for the last minute notice (and for not getting around to posting these here)..... Anyway..... Just a reminder for the Atari BBS community zoom chat for Friday, December 20th 2024 at 8pm Eastern. For more information and the proposed agenda, go to which is also the link to the zoom meeting itself (it will automatically forward from 15 minutes before until four hours after the meeting starts). • A little look into next year... • What does your Atari Christmas look like? • SysOp news and projects • Working Session on the WiModem232 Pro (if Simon can make it) • Some of SoulBuster's BBS related finds... Joust! And more! • So what does 2025 have in store? For your BBS, topics we want to see for the call, call changes, other projects, life in general. And whatever else we find ourselves discussing! This will likely be the last chat for 2024, so you won't be able to get your fix until January! Hope to see you there!
Feb 16, 2024
In General Discussions
Just a reminder for the Atari BBS community zoom chat for Friday, February 16th 2024 at 8pm Eastern. For more information and the proposed agenda, go to This is also the link to the zoom meeting itself (it will automatically forward from 15 minutes before until four hours after the meeting starts). Hope to see you there!
Jan 18, 2024
In General Discussions
Just a reminder for the Atari BBS community zoom chat for Friday, January 19th at 8pm Eastern. For more information and the proposed agenda, go to This is also the link to the zoom meeting itself (it will automatically forward from 15 minutes before until four hours after the meeting starts). Hope to see you there!
Dec 15, 2023
In General Discussions
Figured since this is the last one of the year (and kinda short notice) I'd post in a few more places.... Just your regular Atari BBS Community Zoom Meet Reminder... sorry for the late reminder. As always, we meet on the first Sunday and third Friday of every month... the next meeting is tonight, Friday, December 15th at 8pm Eastern. No real agenda for this since my work project is in it's final stages, but those tend to be the most fun! However, Bf2k+ will be releasing the new version of AT_Connect during the call! The link ... We're also having a working session with Pab on Sunday December 17th at 3pm to help someone with AtariLink II.  If anyone is interested, please feel free to attend!  We will likely keep this only as long as it needs to be to solve the problem and will be keeping it on topic since it's a working session, but if you've been interested in the AtariLink BBS, this is your chance to work with the author on issues regarding getting it set up. Working session link.... And our first meeting of the new year will be Sunday, January 7th of 2024 at 3pm Eastern.  Reminder and the new link will go out prior to that.
Nov 17, 2023
In General Discussions
Sorry for the late notice.... work (monthly deployment fell on the same weekend as the chat again). So this is your reminder for tomorrow night about the Atari BBS Community Chat for 8pm eastern on Friday, November 17th. I'm really not going to plan an agenda because there are some really interesting invites going out and I think the discussion is going to be driven by which ones show up (if any).  But I do have a few things as backups (including everything from last chat that we never got around to).  Either way, I'm expecting it to be a good time like last time (which was one of our best I think). I'm sure you already know the link!
Nov 04, 2023
In General Discussions
Just a reminder about tomorrow's Atari BBS Community Chat for 3pm eastern on Sunday, November 5th. Agenda wise, we have a few things we can look at and discuss, so we'll leave it up to whoever shows up to decide... or whatever else comes to mind! For more information... Hope to see you there!
Oct 20, 2023
In General Discussions
Hello! Reminder for the Atari BBS Community Zoom Chat for tomorrow, October 20th 2023 at 8pm Eastern! Thinking we might talk about things we've acquired recently. A kind of show & tell if you will. :) ... and of course, whatever other topics come up! Call your local BBS, or PM Tillek on AtariAge for the link!
Sep 03, 2023
In General Discussions
Just a reminder aboutt he BBS Community Zoom Meet is today. Normally the Sunday meetings are scheduled for 3pm eastern but due to a request (and since it's a holiday and we don't need to work early Monday morning) we're going to reschedule tonight for 8pm eastern. We'll see how this will look going forward. We'll be talking about VCM Midwest of course, and whatever other topics come to mind.
Aug 18, 2023
In General Discussions
Just a reminder for tomorrow night about the Atari BBS Community Chat for 8pm eastern on Friday, August 18th. Check with your local BBS for the link! Agenda wise, we will be discussing VCF Midwest plans (table is confirmed!) a few ST demos if the Falcon cooperates, and the preservation project depending on who shows up. Hope to see you there!
Aug 06, 2023
In General Discussions
Sorry for the late reminder..... Just a reminder about tomorrow's Atari BBS Community Chat for 3pm eastern on Sunday, Aug 6th. Agenda wise, looking at a new ST term program I acquired, the English version of Cosmos Chronicles, some 8-bit stuff, some VCFMW updates and whatever else comes to mind! See you there!
Jul 20, 2023
In General Discussions
Sorry that things have been a little crazy lately (as usual it would seem), so I'll post the reminder here since I probably won't hit the BBSs tonight. Our next meet is tomorrow July 21st at 8pm eastern time. Check SFHQ (or your browser history) for the link. :)
Apr 21, 2023
In General Discussions
Apologizes for the late reminder... Our vendor on a work project "decided" that we were going to "Go Live" in 6 weeks this week. Not sure how that works in the real world where a vendor <rant truncated> Also, some of the BBSes I tend to post on are busy tonight, so ... alas. The April 21st meet will be as scheduled at 8pm this Friday, April 21st. Agenda Items... Steve Carden tribute (assuming enough people who knew him with positive things to say show up) FastBasic - Zero to Hello World ARAnyM - Zero to ... EasyARAMint with GBE. And as always, the agenda is subject to the whims of whoever shows up!
Apr 05, 2023
In General Discussions
Just saw this posted on AtariAge (posted about an hour ago). It seems that Steve Carden passed away. Sad news..... :( AtariAge Thread
Dec 02, 2022
In General Discussions
reetings! The next Atari BBS Community Zoom Meeting will be this Friday, December 2nd at 8pm Eastern US (This tends to run late, usually to midnight or 1am) As always, the meeting is at and only should be posted to BBSs. We're not interested in people who only talk about BBSs on internet forums, just those who actually CALL BBS systems! No real agenda this time. Just fun and holiday Atari fellowship. Perhaps a discussion about any changes for the timing/format for these meets next year before I make the 2023 schedule.
Nov 04, 2022
In General Discussions
Saw this earlier when I went over there to get the link for the wifi modem they were selling (that I was going to demo on tonights call). Really sorry to see that. :( Store Closing We are very sorry to announce the closing of the Vintage Computer Center by the end of the year. What started as a hobby and a way to help the vintage computer community has grown into something we can not manage part-time at the level of customer service we demand. This little side business has served customers worldwide for almost five years, and we have loved every moment. We will close the business when sufficient inventory has been sold out. We will not be replenishing anything at this point, so if you have been waiting to get something, we suggest you get it now before it is too late. We want to thank everyone for your support over the last few years, and we genuinely appreciate all of you! Please feel to reach out to us if you have any questions, and again, thank you so much for your years of support!
Oct 24, 2022
In General Discussions
Looks like the guy behind many of the products in the Express! franchise is coming back from the cabin in the woods perhaps? Not a bad day for Atari BBSing!


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