After more than a year, I have released a new version of AT_Connect. You can download it from this website under the 'AT_Connect III' tab above. If you don't know what it is, it is the ATASCII Terminal Client. It runs on a Windows PC and allows you to connect to ATASCII BBSes on the internet... no modem needed (or can be used.)

v3.14 -Build:717 - 2.1.25 (Xeraxes)
Added bits per second calculations and chars per second measurement to create the new Speed Check mode. It can be enabled in the Status Form as well as the Config form.
Also added the Speed Test which disables the screen and keyboard for better accuracy in speed tests. Average and current speeds displayed in the Status form.
Added 'Maxbps' speed calculation value to BBS record and log entry.
Added the 'AutoNext' feature which detects when a BBS logs you off, and allows you to hit <Enter> and immediately connect to the next BBS in the combo box. It is very FAST.
Added manual quote prefix ( Q>) to quoting system for adding the quotee's initials or whatever. This overrides the default prefix set in the Config form until disconnection from the BBS.
Added {Ctrl}-Z keystroke in the Box to place an ATASCII CR (155) in the current cursor position for better formatting of quotes and things like separation of quotes within quotes.
Pre-loaded the session number with a 1 if it was equal to 0.
Character Totalizer manual calculation is now a log entry when executed. It is still executed automatically when logging off.
Added the “one char at a time” Macro send for cases where it is needed. Can be selected in the BBS record for each individual BBS.
'AutoPause' function expanded to work with FoReM XE.
Changed the Autopause command buttons to the following:
---◦ 'Again' – redisplays the previous message and after a delay, sends {Ctrl}-S to pause it.
---◦ '. . .' - restarts the paused message and pauses it again after the delay.
---◦ '! ! !' - restarts the paused message and displays until the end of message.
---◦ All three of these work this way for BBS:Express v1 and FoReM XE.
Added speed (maxbps) to Time Online report.
Better quoting in 80 cols.
Added the Graphics Mode enable (/g) reminder to the ATE top of form (red label) before sending ATEditor data to screen.
Increased size of BBS Name in Status Form.
Added a 'Status' button on the control panel to open the status form when it is closed.
Added a 'Beep on Connection' notification option setting in Config form.
Added an 'ALL ON / All OFF' button in the Config form for toggling between 'Classic AT_Telnet' view and 'AT_Connect III' view. One button toggles all options on and off. Restart still required after change.
Added a Yes/No query to the Delete Log file question.
Modifications to BaudSim mode to allow a wider range of speed (0-9 instead of 0-5). The new wider range allows more flexibility in the baud control for different PCs. I found that even at the slowest baud rate, my Core i9 PC still ran full speed with no apparent slowdown. The wider range along with an additional 2ms multiplier increased the control therefore the appearance of a baud rate where none exists. (A value of 9 appears to be approx 300 Baud on my beast of a PC.)
Beginning to use Git for version control. Github for Windows on the local PC. There is no remote repository (yet).
General Cleanup.
Fixed a bug in combo box select bbs code.
Fixed a bug in "Choose Port" section of code.
Fixed a bug in the character Speed Check averaging system where the chars would only be averaged in BaudSim mode.
Fixed a bug that would crash ATC when the incoming char monitor in the status form was enabled.
Fixed a bug in the ‘Autonext’ code which caused a ATC crash when the combo1.listindex tried to increment past the combo1.listcount.
Fixed an OLD bug that sometimes prevented the BaudSim Value from being saved to the config file.
Fixed a REAL OLD bug in the 'Print Screen' button on the menu bar that would crash ATC if the print dialog 'cancel' button was pushed. Thanks to Slacker for finding this one. I had not pushed that button in at least 20 years.

Brilliant work! From a master sysop and avid BBSer. ATC has the tools no other term program provides.
Coming Soon.... (I hope)