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Jul 29, 2024
In General Discussions
When you don't have a 3d printer and you need a quick case for your GreaseWeazle, here you go. You can re-purpose an old wireless mouse box. The floppy disk ribbon cable goes in the front... The USB C connector plugs in the back... Close it up and it looks like this... All plugged into one of my backup PCs. Using the GW GUI... makes it easier. Seen here copying AtariWriter Plus. I really have nothing better to do... 😎
GreaseWeazle in a box - v4.1
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Dec 20, 2023
In General Discussions
The work has begun...
In Newport News VA... content media
Aug 09, 2023
In General Discussions
I found this yesterday in my "stuff"
I bet you don't have one of these... content media
Jun 04, 2023
In General Discussions
Even though I am not much of a gamer, I did manage to play around with Pinball Construction Set back in the 80's. Guess what this one is called??? It can be downloaded (along with it's predecessor) on the Boot Factory BBS 2k+... : 8888
My contribution to the world of Atari Gaming...
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Mar 23, 2023
In General Discussions
I use the MMG compiler for all of my Atari 8-bit stuff. It has always been a solid performer for me and I know most of the tricks for using it. My Disk Compare tool that I am working on has a serious bug that I believe to be caused by the compiler. I have created test ATRs for testing with. They are 180kb ATRs with DD 256 byte sectors. To create them I take an ATR with DATA on it and copy this 'A' disk to 'B' disk. Then using DISKRX, I create 3 or 4 differences on one of the disks by modifying 3 or 4 sectors... we'll say 4 bytes different on the two disks in various places. My tool will detect all four of the different bytes when I run it under the interpreter... either Atari Basic or Basic XE... and under SpartaDOS 3 or SDX 4.49. The compiled version of the tool will only detect 3 of the 4 byte diffs in either SPD 3 or SDX 4.49. I cannot imagine what is causing this... I want to try it with the ABC compiler that I used back in the early days of the toolkit but I cannot get it to work anymore... maybe I need a new copy of ABC. On another note... I found an old ATR called Basic Compiler. I was hoping it was a good copy of ABC. It was a 'European' copy of MMG that someone had hacked to add a new name for it : "Der Basic Compiler". He changed the screen a little, added his own company name and his name to it. I wonder if it is legit or just someone playin with DiskRX...
Nov 03, 2022
In General Discussions
I have decided to finally do some much-needed work on AT_Telnet... it began last night. For those who don't know, AT_Telnet was originally developed by Tom Hunt in and around 2000 and I took it over about this time. It is a PC-based terminal client for accessing ATASCII BBSes on the internet from your PC. It is my primary terminal program. I will be renaming the program AT_Connect - The ATASCII Terminal Client and upgrading the version to v3.oo. This change is about 85% complete as of right now. Telnet was never a part of this program... it was simply the name that was used back in 2000 when this began. Swatted five minor bugs that have been around for 10 years or thereabouts. Plan to address what I call the 1 major bug in the screen processing section of the code. Currently the Ctrl-Del key is not processed correctly. I have prevented it from shutting down the program by simply ignoring the key (or incoming char as the case may be) however, I do want to get this fixed. I may need some help. Plan to update the 'Help' system. Also started on this last night. Plan to get a better handle on the implicit changes to the system caused by the way the UAC system in newer versions of Windows interacts with the older VB6 programs.. At least one new major feature to be added... more on this later. No plans to upgrade from vb6 to a newer version of VB. This cannot be done due to THE major component of AT_Connect no longer existing in VB. What else??? I am open to suggestions.
AT_Connect III released!!! content media


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